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Più ordini più conviene. Raggiungi una spesa pari o superiore a €85 (iva inclusa) per ottenere la SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA IN ITALIA

Monocultivar Nocellara del Belìce


Special Formats


    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Novello – Opera – Bag in Tube 3 L

      43,68per unit From € 39,71/unit+ vat

      Novello extra virgin olive oil from the Opera line, obtained from the first olives of the harvest of the Nocellara del Belìce cultivar.

      The olives are harvested by hand, with cold extraction within a few hours of harvest to maximize phenolic concentration and preserve an authentic, unfiltered taste. Stored under nitrogen in steel silos and bottled in a short time, without decanting.

      The flavor is strong, with medium-high spiciness and raw fruit aroma, with hints of thistle, artichoke and green grass. Intense fruitiness and high fluidity.

      Suitable for raw seasoning on cooked legumes, soups, cheeses, braised meats, cooked meat and sausage. In cooking, it lends itself to the preparation of seasonal sauces and soups. Ideal for completing the preparation of “pane cunsato,” a typical Sicilian specialty.

      Packaged in the innovative “bag in tube,” great as a gift idea.

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