Olio Geraci Loader
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Agrumoli and Erboli


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    • Rosemary Erbolio Geraci – Ceramic

      12,87per unit From € 12,38/unit+ vat

      Rosemary condiment obtained from the simultaneous pressing of olives of the Nocellara del Belìce variety with the aromatic herb of Sicilian rosemary.

      Erbolio is produced from Nocellara del Belìce olives blended with freshly picked Sicilian herbs and started along with “cold” pressing and extraction to best preserve the flavor and fragrance.

      The resulting oil is left to rest four months for “aging” in steel silos and under nitrogen before bottling.

      The flavor is medium spicy, with fresh hint of rosemary. Raw, it can be used to season chickpeas, baked potatoes, meat, fish, salads, and dairy products such as flatbreads, bread, and pizza.

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